Workshop Number: P-54
Leaders: Minga Claggett-Borne and Nadine Hoover
Who May Register?: Open to All
Worship/Worship-Sharing: 20%
Lecture: 5%
Discussion: 35%
Experiential Activities: 40%
Who May Attend?
only full time attenders (participants should attend all week)
Drawing from stories across generations, including all ages, we will tell stories from The Power of Goodness anthology. The short stories paint pictures of families acting boldly during racial strife or ethnic wars in USA, Russia and Ukraine. We include worship, study and rejoicing. Objectives1. Consider in this story collection, the art form of describing…
Workshop Description
Drawing from stories across generations, including all ages, we will tell stories from The Power of Goodness anthology. The short stories paint pictures of families acting boldly during racial strife or ethnic wars in USA, Russia and Ukraine. We include worship, study and rejoicing.
1. Consider in this story collection, the art form of describing how simple acts can change the course of violence.
2. When we live under a violent regime, or with the impending threat of disaster, how do we call out one another’s spiritual gifts.
3. Listen, speak and share stories to build a repertoire of trauma-informed practices.
1. Nonviolent workshops in North Caucuses, often led by Ukrainian and Chechnya trainers.
2. Telling stories as an art form. The authors and collectors of the Power of Goodness: Art and Stories for a Culture of Peace (2022). The predecessor of the Power of Goodness is Lighting Candles in the Dark (FGC, 1992) We will read and consider how to expand upon these stories which are available on the website.
3. Listening with the Body or Embodied Spirituality
4. What are spiritual tools that prevent warfare?
5. How do we overcome our own xenophobia/prejudices/fears?
6. How can we tap into the ‘Good News’ that God’s peaceable realm (Isaiah 11; 40) is happening now?
1. Opening (10 min): a circle, a song, a query
2. Community Agreements (5 min): practice affirming, speak with truth, show caring for persons, the group, and natural world.
3. Presentation of theme. Read a Story out loud. (30 min) See example below.
4. Discuss the story/theme in pairs or small groups. (20 min) ~Bathroom break~
4. Triads or small group Exercise (45 min): discuss turning points of story, practice empathy, visualizations, practice groundings, journaling, reaching across a divide, cooperation exercises including limits such as no talking.
5. Worship sharing/worship (30 min): What helps you feel strong to do the right thing even when it’s difficult?
All are recommended (not required) to purchase The Power of Goodness: Art and Stories for a Culture of Peace from
Leader Experience
Nadine has offered Cultures of Peace workshops for decades. She leads workshops in Indonesia, Nepal, and in the North Caucuses. She recently published a new edition of the amazing Power of Goodness collection.
We’ve both traveled in the ministry among Friends from Buffalo to San Diego MMs.
Minga has offered many Non-violent workshops in prison, in Palestine, and in Latin America. Recently in reading two of Resma Menakem books, they’ve added body-informed practices to their workshops. They’ve led three workshops at previous FGC gatherings and all three were a blessing. Many thanks!