There are many ways to organize an event at the Gathering. If you want to offer a presentation on a Quaker organization or set up a display in the exhibit hall, learn more here. See below if you’d like to organize another kind of event. 

Organizing One Event

It’s easy to organize an event or series of events after you arrive at the Gathering.

(A) Book a time and room at the FGC Information Desk – as early as 5pm on Sunday, or throughout the Gathering. Events occur within existing time blocks: 1:30-3:00 pm, 3:15-4:15 pm, 4:30-5:30 pm, 9:15-11:00 pm (or ending earlier). Early morning events may start at 7:00 am, 7:30 am, or 8:00 am and must end by 8:30 am.

(B) Announce the event(s) in the Daily Bulletin. If you have multiple events, you may choose to announce the whole series once, or you may announce each event once. Space limitations do not allow for multiple announcements in the Daily Bulletin.
You can submit a Daily Bulletin announcement at the FGC Info Desk after you arrive at the Gathering.

Friends may reserve ONE space for ONE time beginning Sunday at 5 pm. If spaces remain, they may reserve a second space (one space for one time) beginning Wednesday at 12 noon.

They may plan meetings in to occur in dorm lounges, outside spaces, or the dining tent to their hearts content.

Organizing a Series of Events

If you know in advance of the Gathering that you want to organize a series of events:

(A) Make an advance request for a Sunday evening or Monday afternoon  meeting time and room for an organizational meeting. Send your request to between May 1 and June 1 including an estimate of the number of people likely to attend. Gathering Staff will include your organizational meeting in Sunday or Monday’s Daily Sheet which is included in the packet of materials that everyone receives during on-site check-in.

(B) Daily Bulletin special deadline: Events decided at Monday organizational meetings may be submitted Monday by 6:00 pm for inclusion in the Tuesday Daily Bulletin.

Available time blocks for organizational meetings are: Sunday 6:00-7:00 pm and 9:15 pm-11 pm, Monday 1:30-3 pm, 3:15-4:15 pm and 4:30-5:30 pm.

Events may not conflict with workshops, evening programs, or closing worship on Saturday.

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