Help young Friends bring their gifts to our faith community.
The High School Gathering Co-Clerk shares about the spiritual impact of the Gathering.
New Quaker Checklist #46
FGC recommends the following tip for newcomers to the Quaker faith: Explore Invitational Spirituality and Everyday Spirituality, Every Day.
“Weaving a Wider Welcome” eRetreat Wraps Up
Reflections on the Weaving a Wider Welcome eRetreat, which ran from May 29-June 26, 2024
“Encountering Spirit” Draws 91 Friends
FGC’s newest experiment, the Encountering Spirit Retreat, brought together 135 Friends from five different countries.
Dreaming Sanctuary Retreat Draws 50 Friends
Friends General Conference and Pendle Hill cosponsor an intergenerational LGBTQ+ retreat space.
Quaker News Update – February 27, 2024
Friends General Conference shares the following yearly meeting announcements that may be of interest to Friends in the United States and Canada.
Yearly Meeting News Update – January 6, 2024
Friends General Conference shares the following yearly meeting announcements that may be of interest to Friends in the United States and Canada.
Yearly Meeting News Update – December 7, 2023
Friends General Conference shares the following yearly meeting announcements that may be of interest to Friends in the United States and Canada.
Yearly Meeting News Update for September 29, 2023
Friends General Conference shares the following news that may be of interest to Friends and the Quaker-curious.
Meet the Staff: nova george and Johanna Jackson
Thanks to the generosity of donors to FGC’s Gathering Together campaign, our community has been enriched by two new staff members.
What’s Next in FGC Events?
Shifting social, financial, ecological, spiritual, and public health realities call us to experiment with new practices in how we gathering together as Friends.
eRetreat Facilitators sought
The Friends General Conference Spiritual Deepening Program seeks eRetreat Facilitators for 2022-2023 sessions.