Greetings from the Friends General Conference Gathering Committee and its Communications Subcommittee. We hope Spirit is well with you.
Have you heard that the FGC Gathering is going to be held in the Philadelphia area in July 2024 at Haverford College with the theme “Rooted in Story?” This is the first time since FGC began in 1900 that Gathering will be in the Philadelphia area, making it close to so many Friends.
We are excited and would like your help informing your Meeting about this. Would you be willing to serve as a Gathering Ambassador? Gathering Ambassadors would regularly receive important information about the event and would share it with their Meeting. There will be a series of pieces about the Gathering over the coming months, distributed by email. If you would be willing to serve, we would ask that you share your name, email address, and Meeting affiliation with FGC staff and Gathering volunteers.
Please let us know if you will help us promote the Gathering by filling out the form.
Please also let your Meeting know that you are called to this service in order to help others learn of the unique and powerful experience of Gathering, as we are also asking Meeting Clerks to help identify an Ambassador!
Thank you for your assistance!