Workshop Number: P-14
Leaders: Chiyo Moriuchi
Who May Register?: Open to All
Worship/Worship-Sharing: 20%
Lecture: 10%
Discussion: 55%
Experiential Activities: 15%
Who May Attend?
only full time attenders (participants should attend all week)
part-time attenders welcome (can come any session)
How do we keep our Quaker organizations Quaker? Our organizations are our most vital expressions of our faith, yet few staff, administrators or board members are Quaker. We will explore the role of Governance, nurturing the Quaker core of our organizations and interdependence of our organizations and our worship communities. Quaker schools and retirement communities…
Workshop Description
How do we keep our Quaker organizations Quaker? Our organizations are our most vital expressions of our faith, yet few staff, administrators or board members are Quaker. We will explore the role of Governance, nurturing the Quaker core of our organizations and interdependence of our organizations and our worship communities.
Quaker schools and retirement communities are thriving, yet the number of Quakers in North America (per FWCC) is in decline. Does this matter? Why?
We will spend time discussing:
– What makes an organization Quaker? Why is that important and to whom?
– How do we hold onto the Quaker core of increasingly secular organizations? Who is responsible?
– How can preserving the “Quaker-ness” of our organizations help us grow Quakerism in the wider world?
– How are our organizations affected by the vitality and engagement (or lack) of our nearby worship communities?
When Quakers constituted a significant proportion of an organization’s members, the question of Quaker identity did not arise. Today, with so few Quakers available, qualified or willing to serve as administrators or board members and few Quakers in the populations the organizations serve how is the Quaker identity preserved? What are the implications for the future of Quakerism?
This will be a forum to exchange concerns, ideas and experiences. We hope to take home ideas and practices that will strengthen our meetings, boards and institutions as well as our personal practice and faith. We will consider:
– Governance – the role of the board; the importance of an engaged and skilled board; building board skills
– Fostering Quaker values in our organizations and communities
– Interaction and mutual care of organizations and meetings
– Service, Outreach and Engagement – the individual’s role in promoting the vitality of the Religious Society of Friends
– How can Quakers and Quaker organizations be more welcoming and inclusive? Are there barriers we create for newcomers?
– How we can live into our Quaker faith and support the vitality of our Religious Society
– where we might look for models and support
– what concrete steps we might take after the workshop is over.
There are no specific recommendations for advance reading. Reading excerpts may be provided during the week.
Leader Experience
I have had limited experience leading “workshops.” I do, however, have significant professional, Quaker and board experience leading and facilitating interactive discussions. – I was one of the organizers and leaders of the initial Friends & Business pre-gathering conference – I have led large group corporate meetings/training sessions; Organized & led smaller board meetings and management retreats; I have shaped, organized, led and participated in groups to discuss or brainstorm strategic planning and branding issues/ideas – I have made formal presentations in various public settings that included active question & answer sessions – I have had experience as the former clerk of Newtown Meeting, Medford Leas Board, the PYM Executive Secretary Search Committee, and George School Board Strategic Plan Oversight Committee