The White Privilege Conference (WPC) was established and is organized by African American Professor Dr. Eddie Moore, who wanted to provide a challenging, collaborative and comprehensive experience. The conference strives to empower and equip individuals to work for equity and justice through self and social transformation.
The annual WPC serves as an opportunity to examine and explore difficult issues related to white privilege, white supremacy, and oppression. WPC provides a forum for critical discussions about diversity, multicultural education and leadership, social justice, race/racism, sexual orientation, gender relations, religion and other systems of privilege/oppression.
The White Privilege Conference (WPC26)
Registration now open!
March 26-29, 2025 Hartford, CT
Quaker-affiliated registrants may complete this pre-registration form with FGC to get $100/person off the conference registration fee and connected to the Quaker community present at the conference this coming year. Once you have pre-registered with FGC, you must register with the White Privilege Conference here.
Friends General Conference and the White Privilege Conference have been connected since 2011, when FGC had sponsored a group discount for the White Privilege Conference. In the past, FGC and local Friends have provided a space at the conference for Quaker worship and worship sharing daily. In addition, local Friends have provided overnight hospitality to out-of-state participants, as well as arranged carpools to and from the hotel each day.
It has been important for Quakers to attend the White Privilege Conference (WPC). Starting with roughly 68 Quakers attending the 2011 retreat, Friends General Conference (FGC) has maintained having roughly 45-500 Quakers attend the conference yearly. After attending the conference, many Quaker attenders uplift in evaluations; the joys WPC gives to connect to people of all ethnicities and ages, the variety of resources given to carry anti-racism forward, and empowerment from the energy that comes from the Conference’s large attendance.
Our Quaker attenders write that from the WPC they bring back new knowledge and energy to the racial justice work of their local Quaker Meeting. Attenders have also highlighted how meaningful it felt for FGC to show its support for anti-oppression work, and that they feel like the White Privilege Conference is a place where they feel empowered by “Quakers coming together in a public ministry around anti-racism.”
For any further information, please contact Vanessa Julye or Shaina Robinson.
Building Diversity in our Spiritual Body: A Quaker’s Reflection on Participating in the White Privilege Conference
Building Diversity in our Spiritual Body: A Quaker’s Reflection on Participating in the White Privilege Conference
By Joan Broadfield
Consultation for Friends who have attended the White Privilege Conference
September 27th – September 29th, 2013, twenty-two friends gathered at Dunrovin Christian Brothers Retreat Center in Minnesota for a consultation on the impact of attending the White Privilege Conference, an event concevied and organized by an African American man, with support from FGC.
Quaker Discussion During WPC15 Accountability Session
WPC has committed to becoming a “community of action” with the goal that every participant will take their conference learning beyond the walls of the program classrooms and back into our own home environments by way of meaningful action. To do this, each conference program of the WPC ultimately has an intentional action component.
Quakers’ Reflections on the 2013 White Privilege Conference
The 2013 White Privilege Conference took place in Seattle with more than 40 Friends and 2,100 people total attending. This was the fourth year FGC has sponsored a group of Friends attending.
How attending WPC 2012 affected a Quaker living in Kansas
When I attended the FGC conference in Grinnell, I learned that FGC was encouraging Quakers to participate in the White Privilege Conference. So I attended the 13th White Privilege Conference in spring, 2012. It was like going into a lively, open city where everyone was talking about all aspects of privilege.