Virtual worship will be canceled during the week of the 2025 Online Gathering (2/1-2/9).

The Ministry on Racism is hosting a virtual Meeting for Worship for white Friends/Friends of European descent confronting racism and white supremacy. This worship, hosted twice a week, seeks to nourish white Friends’ communal anti-racism commitment and provide a space for the work we have to do together. It will be held every Thursday at 8PM EST/ 7PM CT/ 6PM MT/ 5PM PT/ 4PM HT and Friday at 12 PM ET / 11 AM CT / 10 AM MT / 9 AM PT / 6 AM HT. It is in the care of a rotating team of volunteers.

To view past and recent queries from Virtual Worship for White Friends Confronting Racism click here.

If you are white/of European descent and would like to join our worship, please complete the form below:

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