After the 2018 the institutional assessment on systemic racism to identify and address structural oppression within FGC as an institution and among FGC-affiliated Monthly and Yearly Meetings, a committee was formed of volunteers and staff to support the organization and affiliated meetings to carry forward the assessment’s recommendations.
Transparency and collaboration have been a priority of this committee from the beginning. The hope is that this page will shed light on the committees work as well as help inspire and resource others in moving towards embodying an actively anti-racist community.
Call to Action
Demographic Data Subcommittee
The Demographic Data Subcommittee aims to collect demographic data from Yearly Meetings to get a clearer sense of where Friends of Color worship. This information will help us to better shape FGC’s priorities and program offerings. We ask that Friends encourage their Yearly Meeting to participate with this effort.
Monthly Meetings can collect this information from individuals using a form such as this one. Aggregate data can then be shared with their Yearly Meeting.
Yearly Meetings can submit compiled demographic information using the below form:
5-Year Report Subcommittee
The 5-Year Report Subcommittee is drafting a report to track FGC’s progress towards becoming a fully antiracist organization since 2018. We are seeking feedback from Friends regarding their experience at FGC events to inform this report. We intend to share a full report with Central Committee and the wider community in October 2024.
Please complete the following survey and circulate it to other Friends who worship with FGC-affiliated meetings.
Current and Past Committee Actions
- Leading Noticing Patterns of Faithfulness and Oppression trainings for Central Committee members and Gathering workshop leaders
- Establishing Funds for Friends of Color to attend FGC programming
- Asking all FGC bodies to use the query ‘How does this decision support FGC in its goal to transform into an actively anti-racist faith community?’ when decision making
- Implementing a Racial Wounding Policy
- IAIC is currently asking for Demographic data from all affiliated FGC meetings.
- Link to the Yearly Meeting Demographic Survey
- Sample survey form that can be used to collect demographic information from individuals within a Monthly Meeting.
- Drafting a 5-Year Report using information from the Institutional Assessment: Anonymous Evaluation and various focus groups
- Link to the Institutional Assessment: Anonymous Evaluation
- Asking for reports from Central Committees on progress with implementing recommendations
- Delivering yearly Gathering presentations of organization’s progress
Questions or interested in joining the Institutional Assessment and Implementation Committee?
Please contact Shaina, FGC’s Ministry on Racism Associate at
Updates and Resources by the Institutional Assessment Implementation Committee – May 2019 to Present
IAIC Reports to Central Committee
Anti-Racism Ministry Updates in Vital Friends
- February 2021
- January 2021
- November/December 2020
- October 2020
- September 2020
- August 2020
- Vita Friends: Responding to Systemic Racism with Systemic Love (Newsletter and web resource created June 2020)
- May 2020
- April 2020
- March 2020
- January/February 2020
- December 2019
- November 2019 Report from the Institutional Assessment Implementation Group
- October 2019
- Vital Friends Article: Why do we need to keep talking about the Institutional Assessment on Racism?
- September 2019
- Vital Friends Article: What is White Supremacy?
- August 2019
- June/July 2019 (Published June 2019)
- May 2019