Meeting Resource
“The Call” is a play about a contemporary young adult Friend who experiences a leading to travel in the ministry.
In her quest to be faithful to this call, she encounters misunderstanding, hurt, and anger but is upheld by an elder in her meeting. She is also mentored by “visits” from three Quakers who traveled in the ministry during the Colonial era.
The play raises questions about the nature of a call to ministry in our time and how meetings might provide nurture, support, and mentorship, especially for young people. It can be produced in a variety of ways, depending on the purpose.
The play was originally produced as a final project for the 8th On Being a Spiritual Nurturer program of the School of the Spirit Ministry, and subsequently at gatherings of a monthly and a yearly meeting. It has been done as readers’ theatre with 8 people reading the parts of different characters. The production takes approximately one hour and can either be performed with an audience or simply read aloud in a small group. In either case, it can be followed by a discussion about the topic.
Included are suggestions for using this play in your Meeting and for follow-up/discussion questions.
Further Resources
Supporting Spiritual Gifts & Ministries
Meeting Resource
Support for Faithfulness
Meeting Resource
Naming Spiritual Gifts within the Meeting
Meeting Resource
An Explanation of Letters of Introduction, Travel Minutes, and Endorsements
Meeting Resource