Meeting Resource
There are many forms of ministry among Friends. We are all called to different ministries at different times. Meetings can choose to support Friends who have a leading to ministry in a variety of ways.
Read about ministry within the meeting here:
Clearness for a Leading or Ministry
A clearness committee is a group appointed to support a member of the meeting in discerning a leading. Clearness committees may also play a role in helping the meeting gain clarity around how they should support the ministry of that Friend.
The committee follows a particular structure that you can read about here:
Care of Friends Led to Various Forms of Ministry
When a meeting takes a Friend and their ministry under its care they agree as a community to support the Friend in delivering the ministry. Often they will ask the whole community to hold the individual in prayer and take a particular interest in the ministry and its fruits. Some meetings may offer to appoint a group to focus on supporting the individual and on holding them accountable. This group is called a support or anchor committee.
Read more guidelines for caring for Friends led to ministry here:
School of the Spirit – “The Spiritual Care Committee”
Parker Palmer – “The Clearness Committee – A Communal Approach To Discernment”
Further Resources
Support for Faithfulness
Meeting Resource
Naming Spiritual Gifts within the Meeting
Meeting Resource
Clearness Committees – What They Are and What They Do
Meeting Resource
An Explanation of Letters of Introduction, Travel Minutes, and Endorsements
Meeting Resource
Resources for Fostering Vital Friends Meetings
Meeting Resource
THE CALL, a play by Charlotte Basham
Meeting Resource
Selected Bibliography on Ministry and Eldership
Meeting Resource