Meeting Resource
Informal Forms of Support for Faithfulness
Intentionally supporting one another on our spiritual journeys is a valuable Quaker practice. The following are some informal forms of support that Friends can initiate to help them be faithful and accountable in a community with others.
Spiritual friendships are formed when two people commit to supporting each other. Often they will meet together to pray for each other and to share their experiences, doubts, challenges and joys as their spiritual lives unfold.
Look at a bibliography of resources related to spiritual friendships here:
Support groups are called together by an individual to support them in being faithful to a concern or leading or for specific work or ministry. They are different from a formal support group which is appointed by the meeting
Read more about support groups here:
Covenant groups are small intentional groups that form within a meeting community. They meet to provide support and mutual accountability for their members. The group creates a space where members share their experiences and insights, their joys and concerns as they continue to deepen their spiritual lives.
Read more on Covenant groups here:
Clearness committees may also be informal. An individual may ask for Friends to help them find clarity around a personal life decision, a challenge or a leading.
Read more about informal clearness committees here:
Further Resources
Supporting Spiritual Gifts and Ministries
Meeting Resource
Clearness Committees – What They Are and What They Do
Meeting Resource
Naming Spiritual Gifts within the Meeting
Meeting Resource
THE CALL, a play by Charlotte Basham
Meeting Resource