In this activity, the Spiritual Deepening group members will come together to share their experiences after following daily spiritual practices for several weeks.
After having chosen and practiced a daily spiritual practice for several weeks, invite your group members to consider these questions. Queries can be reflected on individually or with the group, as seems best.
What have you learned about yourself and your relationship with God and with others?
Have you been changed? If so, how?
How you are being molded and transformed by the Inner Christ, Holy Spirit, Divine Love, Light Within?
What are your next steps?
Come together as a group to process the experience.
Invite individuals to share with the group any repercussions, changes, insights, blockages, openings, etc., that arose because of a faithful daily spiritual practice.
Credits: Connie McPeak Green (LEYM) and Elise Hansard (BYM), Exercise Authors