Toward the end of each day, or in the morning, it may be helpful to do an examen.
Settle into silence and allow the Light to search your soul to uncover past unresolved hurts, resentments, things you wish you had done differently, your “shadows and your fears.”
Remember that the purpose is to see more clearly as the Light illumines what is in your heart, not for you to blame yourself or others for anything in the past.
Ask to be shown what blocks you from receiving Divine Love.
Also allow the Light to show you gifts and talents that have been given to you to be rightly used for the good of the world.
You may want to journal about these, or to express them through art or poetry. Remember that you are not in charge of this process. You are opening your soul to healing and guidance by the Light, Seed, Spirit working in you. It is a process of opening and surrender.
Among your shadows that the Light has illuminated, discern what you might work on having changed. Make awareness of this desire to be changed part of your daily practice, and follow the leading of the Spirit on steps you need to take to be changed.
Prayerfully set about changing, by making this a part of your daily spiritual practice, while recognizing that it is Divine Grace that makes change possible.