Wondering About God
Use Wondering Questions to reflect on who and where God is.
Materials and Setup
Materials & Setup:
You need the Worship Sharing Guidelines below, the Wondering Questions in the Instructions tab, and either journals or art materials to create a visual response.
Worship Sharing Guidelines
Worship sharing is shared, prayerful attention to a given topic.
We share out of the silence. Time and space between messages are helpful to allow us to take in what others have shared.
Contributions are voluntary. Anyone may pass by simply remaining silent.
We try to speak more from feeling and experience than from ideas and opinions.
We speak briefly and only once so everyone will have a chance to share. If there is time after everyone has spoken once or has passed, the Friends may speak again with careful discernment.
We try to listen with an open heart and with acceptance. In silent listening we cherish one another and offer our love and respect.
We don’t respond to, answer, or oppose another person’s message. We wait for another time to ask questions or have discussions.
Experiences or feelings shared during this time together are confidential to the group.
Tell the participants that you’ll be wondering about God in a worship share. Share the Worship Sharing Guidelines if needed.
Settle into a worshipful silence for Worship Sharing.
Offer these Wondering Questions and invite Friends to respond out of the silence:
- I wonder where God was in your day?
- I wonder when you’ve seen God in another person?
- I wonder how we look for God in that experience?
- I wonder how you look for God in your day?
- I wonder why we can’t see God?
- I wonder where you see/hear/feel God?
After the worship share, invite Friends to work alone on an image that captures their response to the wondering question/s. Friends may choose to journal instead. Create time to regather and share responses.
Credits: Wondering Questions by Melinda Wenner Bradley from Sparkling Still.