Quaker author Howard Macy describes seven inner spiritual rhythms that reflect our relationship with the Divine: Longing, Waiting, Awe, Despairing, Resting, Conversing, and Celebrating.
Gather together in worship sharing and consider these inward spiritual conditions. Which feels the most true for you today? Which seems to be the overarching theme of your life and your relationship with The Light?
The queries below can guide your sharing, and you may consider meeting together more than once so as to give the group time to reflect deeply on each spiritual rhythm.
On Longing:
- What do I long for in my relationship with God this year?
- How am I led to nurture the “life of longing” this year?
On Waiting:
“In waiting, we learn to listen to God”. What does or can help me in waiting and listening to God in my daily life this year?
On Awe, Despairing, Resting, Conversing, Celebrating:
- Which of these motions of the inward life describe my spiritual life now?
- Which describe where I would like to be?
- How can I cooperate with the inward work of God during this coming year?
Close your time together with a period of centering worship. All may want to join hands in a circle before departing.