Queries and Questions for Worship Sharing and Discussion
These queries can be used after readings, videos, podcasts, and many other activities.
How is the Holy Spirit being expressed in me?
What are the ways you experience the Divine?
Where in this reading or activity do you sense the Light?
How do I describe my life with God now?
What are recent experiences of living in God’s life and power?
Do I have particular yearnings/desires for this coming year?
Do I have a vision or sense of new life coming?
How am I already acting on the Inward Work of God?
What are the ways you open your mind, body, and heart in worship?
What will provide an open and receptive place in me for the Seed of God to grow this year?
How can I help to prepare the soil, and open up my heart, mind, and soul to be receptive to God’s presence in my life and be more centered on that Presence?
What plowing needs to be done to make way for the seed to grow? What are the weeds or thorns, competing with, or choking out the growth of the Seed?
What needs to die for new life?
What gifts am I being called to bring forth?
How do we help each other this year to allow the Seed to grow?
How is the Light illumining my life and the life of my Meeting?
What is the Light revealing about me? What am I led to become in my life?
How can we help one another discern and carry out what we are led to do?
Philadelphia Yearly Meeting, Spiritual Formation Program, Life, Seed, Light and Build it! by Friends General Conference. Used with permission.