Childcare Sought for Central Committee Meeting

FGC seeks childcare providers for the Central Committee Annual Meeting (a hybrid event) from Thursday, October 20 – Sunday, October 23 in Haverford, Pennsylvania.

FGC is Hiring a Ministry on Racism Programs Manager

The Ministry on Racism Programs Manager works to help Friends understand and end racism and ageism.

FGC is Hiring a Young Adult & Youth Coordinator

The Young Adult and Youth Coordinator holds responsibility for FGC’s Young Adult and Youth ministries throughout the year and at FGC’s annual conference, the Gathering

Quaker Jobs Update for September 15, 2022

Friends General Conference shares the following job announcements that may be of interest to Quaker job seekers.

Quaker Jobs Update for July 5, 2022

Friends General Conference shares the following job announcements that may be of interest to Quaker job seekers:

Quaker Jobs Update for June 3, 2022

Friends General Conference shares the following job announcements that may be of interest to Quaker job seekers:

Quaker Jobs Update for May 17, 2022

Friends General Conference shares the following job announcements that may be of interest to Quaker job seekers:

eRetreat Facilitators sought

The Friends General Conference Spiritual Deepening Program seeks eRetreat Facilitators for 2022-2023 sessions.

Request for Proposals: Anti-Racism Staff Training and Respite Care

Proposal Due Date: April 24, 2022 Proposal due electronically to Linnea Halsten: Friends General Conference (FGC) seeks proposals from consulting firms, individuals, and coalitions to help the organization eliminate bias and racial harm from our 18-person staff (16 are white and two are people of African descent).

Quaker Jobs Update for March 30, 2022

Friends General Conference shares the following job announcements that may be of interest to Quaker job seekers:

Quaker Jobs Update

Friends General Conference shares the following job announcements that may be of interest to Quaker job seekers:

FGC Welcomes New Communications Manager Rashid Darden

FGC is pleased to announce that Rashid Darden has joined the organization as our Communications Manager.


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