Choosing a Web Host

Quaker web workers discuss web hosts. Friends focus on Wordpress, the Quaker Meetings Network, and Google Sites.

Yearly Meeting News Update for October 25, 2023

…apply is August 30. Illinois Yearly Meeting Virtual Meeting for Worship: There is a yearly-meeting-wide virtual meeting for worship every month on the 10th of the month. It’s held at…

Yearly Meeting News Update for September 29, 2023

Friends General Conference shares the following news that may be of interest to Friends and the Quaker-curious.

QuakerBooks Bestsellers of the Year (so far)

Friends are reading books on many topics, from anti-racism resources to books on Quaker practice. Click the link below to learn more.

Workshop Proposals Welcome for Gathering 2024

Workshop proposals are now being accepted for the 2024 FGC Gathering in Haverford, Pennsylvania! The workshop proposal deadline has been extended to Saturday, October 14, 2023. Workshops offer adult and high school participants…

Changes to Friends of Color Virtual Programming

In light of your feedback and the changing landscape, FGC is scaling back our virtual Friends of Color programming.

Yearly Meeting News Update for August 25, 2023

Friends General Conference shares the following news that may be of interest to Friends and the Quaker-curious.

Relationships as a Crucible for Joy

Friends Couple Enrichment will be offering a fall online retreat: Listening with Love to Strengthen and Deepen Our Relationships.

Rashid Darden Promoted to Associate Secretary for Communications and Outreach

Rashid Darden has been promoted to the position of Associate Secretary for Communications and Outreach for Friends General Conference.

Scope of Communications Engagement

When it comes to websites, web hosting, social media engagement, and other forms of electronic outreach, Friends General Conference (FGC) is in a period of evolving engagement with Friends and their meetings.  Previously, FGC hosted several meeting websites through Quaker Cloud.  That service, which will end at the end of 2023, was a useful tool…

Meeting the needs of Friends through online and in-person options

Online offerings connected with the 2024 FGC Annual Gathering of Friends include many of the evening plenaries as well as the daily Bible Half Hour.  Friends who wish to participate in possible online worship sharing groups can indicate that on their registration form. If available, the worship sharing groups will be facilitated by volunteers. Supported by…


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