Virtual Consultation Survey
From time to time, Friends General Conference and other Quaker communities will host a meeting called a consultation. FGC consultations are events that bring together Friends from across our affiliated Yearly Meetings and directly affiliated Monthly Meetings to deeply discuss a specific topic. At consultations, Friends identify concerns, express needs, and share prior experiences and lessons learned around the topic.
As Friends, we are facing many challenges and issues post Covid and in our world at large. They impact us on so many levels. There seems to be a rising sense that new directions or perspectives for Friends are needed. It feels crucial to explore together our individual and joint visions of how Friends might go forward today.
Therefore, the Gathering Anew project will be hosting a Virtual Consultation this fall. Rather than deciding the specific topics ourselves, we invite the wider community of Friends to use the survey below to narrow our focus. FGC wants to hear what you feel is most important to discuss and whether there are speakers you would like to hear.
We see this consultation as a part of FGC’s mission to facilitate important sharing among our yearly and monthly meetings, and a way to test if consultations like this are a part of future Gatherings or a separate need. Participation will be open to all Friends. We will use this information to help us prayerfully determine a set of topics for the consultation that seem to speak to our needs and callings.