Introducing, Quakers Uprooting Racism Community Practice

FGC is excited to announce a new opportunity to apply to our Quakers Uprooting Racism Community Practice cohort.

FGC’s Anti-Racism Ministry: May 2021 Update

We wanted to take this opportunity to share some of the art that inspires us to support FGC in its goal to become an anti-racist faith community.

FGC’s Anti-Racism Ministry: April 2021 – Confronting Anti-Asian Hatred

As Quakers, our testimonies guide us to feel our connections to one another and dismantle racism so that we may honor that of God in everyone.

Vital Friends: Reflections on Clerking and Community by Regina Renee Ward

Regina Renee Ward lifts up her thoughts on the nature of Quaker clerkship and how it has shaped her experience of Quaker spirituality and community.

Anti-Racist Clerking Screener

This screener offers questions for reflection and discernment for Friends who are current or rising clerks, and Friends who participate in business meetings and on committees.

The Ministry on Racism Program: Upcoming Events and Recommended Resources

Explore upcoming events with the Ministry on Racism Program at FGC, and discover resources for language justice and access!

FGC Condemns Capitol Attack; Calls for De-escalation and Truthful Dialogue

Friends General Conference condemns the act of insurrection at the Capitol Building in Washington, D.C. and prays for the safety of everyone involved.

FGC’s Anti-Racism Ministry: January 2021 Update

We’re sharing a new poem, Raising a Voice by Deveena D. Reed, plus Part II of Carolyn Lejuste and David Etheridge’s three-part series on fostering anti-racist Quaker meetings.

Vital Friends: Anti-Racism Work and Couple Enrichment

FCE teaches peacemaking begins at home and home is where we practice the behaviors making us vessels for peacemaking.

Antiracism In Popular Films: A Discussion Group

This series will allow those of us who identify as white to educate ourselves about racism by discussing films that come from People of Color’s lived experience. 


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