The Outgoing Epistle of the 2020 Virtual Pre-Gathering of Friends of Color and their Families
The importance of this Gathering for Friends of Color worshipping in community together cannot be overstated.
Vital Friends: Responding to Systemic Racism with Systemic Love
Many Friends, wishing to see that of God affirmed in all people, have already committed themselves to dismantling systemic racism within the Religious Society of Friends and beyond.
FGC’s Anti-Racism Ministry: May 2020 Update
In this month’s update, Institutional Assessment Implementation Committee member Jaya Karsemeyer Bone shares her suggestions for navigating difficult conversations around racism (with supporting words contributed by Regina Renee Ward).
FGC’s Anti-Racism Ministry: April 2020 Update
Vanessa and Olivia extend an invitation to worship for Friends of Color, and Marta talks about why now, during the COVID-19 pandemic, is the time to check your privilege.
FGC’s Anti-Racism Ministry: March 2020 Update
When it comes to teaching the youngest participants in our meetings about racism and how to be anti-racist, it’s normal to have some questions along the way.
Vital Friends: How Intersectional Theory informs what FGC means by “an anti-racist faith community”
FGC’s Institutional Assessment Implementation Committee is approaching our work with a commitment to pay attention to the implication of intersectionality.
Welcome to FGC: Olivia Pandolfi
This Fall, FGC welcomed Olivia Pandolfi as its Ministry on Racism Program Fellow.
Vital Friends: A Letter from the Co-Clerk of the Institutional Assessment Working Group
I am pleased to write with a sense of joy and grace to Friends everywhere that the Implementation Group has been fully formed and is ready to take this work forward.
Vital Friends: November 2019 Report from the Institutional Assessment Implementation Group
The Institutional Assessment Implementation Group recently gathered at Pendle Hill for our first annual face-to-face meeting.
Vital Friends: Why do we need to keep talking about the Institutional Assessment on Racism?
A lot needs to be done to become a truly welcoming and inclusive association of Quaker meetings and churches.
New at FGC: Experiencing the Light workshop, Religious Education resources for children, an update from the Anti-Racism Implementation Group, and Fall Fellowship & Learning Events
What’s new and what opportunities are coming soon for friends in the FGC community? Find out in our updates for September 2019!
FGC’s Institutional Assessment on Racism – June 2019 Update
During this year’s FGC Gathering in Grinnell, IA the Institutional Assessment Working Group and the Ministry on Racism are offering a series of opportunities.