Vital Friends: March 2014 eNewsletter

Thank you for reading, and we wish you a happy spring!

A Call Deeper – News from the FGC Consultation on Spiritual Deepening

FGC brought together 65 Friends “to help make the full depth, joy, and fire of Quaker faith and practice highly available, teachable, and experiential for all those who are or will become part of our faith communities.” 

Pre-Registration for WPC – Join the Quaker Group!

FGC is again sponsoring a Quaker group to attend the conference, open to Friends of all traditions.

Quaker Quest returns to Greensboro, NC, January 25th-26th!

For their second series of Quaker Quest public sessions, Greensboro First Friends Meeting offers a unique program for those curious about Quakers and those already on the Quaker path.

Vital Friends: December 2013 eNewsletter

Thank you for reading, thank you for participating, and happy holidays!

Barry Crossno – Sharing a Nurturing and Transformative Faith

Barry Crossno outlines the case for a comprehensive religious education and spiritual formation program for newcomers and Friends.

Go Inside and Greet the Light: Turrell Skyspace opens at the new Chestnut Hill meeting house

The Chestnut Hill meeting house is the first new Quaker meeting house built in Philadelphia in the past eighty years. 

Epistle from 2013 Central Committee

As one Friend said: “There is a deep and powerful stream flowing here, and we are invited to plunge in.”

Vital Friends: September 2013 eNewsletter

This year’s Gathering explored ambitious questions about growth and reconciliation in the Light.

FGC Gathering 2013: At the Growing Edges of our Faith

Intermountain Yearly Meeting affiliated with FGC in 2009, and this year hosted its first Gathering in beautiful Greeley, Colorado, June 30 through July 6. 

FGC Welcomes our New Quaker Voluntary Service Volunteer

The Quaker Voluntary Service has opened a new branch in Philadelphia this year, and FGC will be hosting Maire Elizabeth Moriarty to work with our Ministry on Racism.

Joyfully sharing FGC’s Annual Report

Our Annual Report, Spiritual Vision, Faithful Service, A Plan for Action highlights some of our accomplishments this past year. 


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