Vital Friends: December 2013 eNewsletter

View the December 2013 eNewsletter is visible or download as a PDF.  The following is the introductory text.

Dear Friends,

Every fall, FGC’s governing body spends four days in retreat to work on long- and short-range plans for the organization.  Central Committee is a time to reflect on what FGC offers meetings now and how we can deepen and expand that programming.  A vision that inspired many at Central Committee was the proposal to create a comprehensive spiritual formation curriculum for newcomers and Friends.
Several cherished projects that launched in recent years are beginning to show their initial results.  One of these programs is the New Meetings Project, which supports the creation of Quaker meetings in new places.  Jackson Mississippi is one of those places; Quakers there decided to take the plunge and start a meeting with just two initial members.
Another recently launched service is the Quaker Cloud, which has signed up its sixtieth meeting!  Whether your meeting is using the Cloud or not, an up-to-date website is your meeting’s single most important tool for reaching seekers.  Gunpowder Friends Meeting shares their 5 tips for building an effective website.
Finally, the Green Meeting House Fund has made some changes, and Friends can now purchase carbon offsets in addition to applying for grants to “green” their meeting houses.
We hope you will take advantage of some of the resources we offer to meetings. Thank you for reading, thank you for participating, and happy holidays!

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