Joyfully sharing FGC’s Annual Report

Thanks to you, FGC is helping new and existing Quaker faith and practice communities become more visible, welcoming, and inclusive–while nurturing deep and transformed spiritual lives.
Our Annual Report, Spiritual Vision, Faithful Service, A Plan for Action highlights some of our accomplishments this past year.
FGC needs your support to continue our important services to meetings, seekers, and Friends. We need to raise another $240,000 to reach our October goal of $688,000 this fiscal year.
If you have made a contribution to FGC recently, thank you! If you are able to contribute again, thank you once more! And if you have not given since the start of our fiscal year (October 1, 2012), please consider contributing now.
As our vision statement says, “We envision a vital and growing Religious Society of Friends.” Please help us to make this vision come true.
Thank you.