Build Your Own Journey at the 2019 FGC Gathering!

Are you seeking opportunities to connect with Friends of Color?
Do you feel called to live more sustainably?
Do you want to learn strategies for spirit-led social justice witness?
The 2019 FGC Gathering can help!
This summer, we invite you to build your own journey at the 2019 FGC Gathering! Choose a workshop, daily activities, and evening events based on a theme to create a unique Gathering experience. The workshops listed below are one of multiple workshop options related to each theme, so we encourage you to explore our full list of Gathering workshops here.
Here are three possible journeys for Friends to consider:
Fostering Connections with Friends of Color
Pre-Gathering Event: Retreat for People of Color and their Families
Workshop – Spiritual Self-Care for People of Color: An Act of Faith (Monday – Friday morning)
Sponsored-events Center – People of Color Center from FGC (multiple events each day, schedule coming soon!)
Off-campus field trip – Mother Mosque and African American Museum in Cedar Rapids (Wednesday afternoon, July 3rd)
Must-See Evening Plenary Event – Becoming an Anti-Racist Faith Community (Tuesday, July 2nd @ 7:00pm)
Living with Concern for Sustainability and Earthcare
Workshop – The Sustainability of Stuff (Monday – Friday morning)
Sponsored-events Center – Quaker Earthcare Witness (schedule coming soon!)
Off-campus field trip – Farm tour with Captain Awesome Eric Morrison from Grinnell Heritage Farm: The role of farming, climate change food insecurity (Monday afternoon, July 1st)
Must-See Evening Plenary Event – Beverly Ward, How I Get Over: My Journey towards Peace and Justice in Care for the Earth (Monday, July 1st @ 7:00pm)
Strategies to Witness for Social Justice
Workshop – Build your own Quaker Advocacy Campaign (Monday – Friday morning)
Sponsored-events Center – American Friends Service Committee (AFSC) (schedule coming soon!)
Must-See Evening Plenary Event – Love Thy Neighbor (No exceptions): Advocating for Welcome, Not Walls (Friday, July 5th @ 7:00pm)
Best of all, there are additional opportunities to deepen your week-long theme journey, including:
- The Gathering Store, with books and craft vendors
- Afternoon Author Events (schedule coming soon!)
- The Quaker Arts Center
- Evening activities (including films and affinity group events)