What Is the Gift You Will Bring the World Today?
In this election time, as votes are counted, as political tempers bubble around us and perhaps in us, we are called back to the roots of our faith, where love is the first motion. We are called to manifest an inner spiritual reality through our testimonies. These days ask us to bring our best selves and our whole selves. Love asks us to be connected to one another, to see one another as fellow people, as our neighbors.
What do you bring to the world today?
The Peace Testimony Today
Peace is relational. The peace testimony is rooted in our call to love our neighbor, to love our enemies, to love God/Spirit, and to love ourselves. It is a call to be in integrity with these loves.
We are asked to align our thoughts, deeds and actions with Spirit, with Love. Today we are offered the chance to embody what the peace testimony looks like for us in all aspects of our lives.
Spiritual Preparation
As we navigate times of great uncertainty, we need to prepare. Spiritual preparation for these challenges might include worship, prayer, spending time in nature, or connecting with someone who helps remind us of our true selves. We need to lean into curiosity and wonder. It may be difficult to maintain our inner peace as we face the coming days.
Self-care is an aspect of our spiritual life and our preparation for following leadings. One way to prepare is to name and care for our internal condition including anxiety, fear, rage, threat, relief, joy, or a sense that things are unfolding as they should. We need to acknowledge the feelings we have and seek support as needed.
What works for you?
What Steps Are You Called to?
Who helps you listen deeply to Spirit’s call?
Our faith and love carry us through times of despair and lead us toward hope. Take time to listen to and discern a call you may be hearing or feeling. You may ask, how may my thoughts, words, and deeds communicate my love?
What form does your call take? Does it take the form of saying “I am having a hard time being loving in the midst of all the divisiveness and grief” or “I want to be more loving” or perhaps “I want to listen to how you are today.”
Perhaps it takes the form of actions – conversations with those different from us, or perhaps marches or peaceful protests. We need the varied expressions of our love.
What might you need to do, to learn, to practice, or to hear to more fully embody peace? What might you be asked to let go of in the name of the common good? These too are steps toward manifesting a call.
Support for Living the Peace Testimony
Love in these times can be countercultural. The things we have done so far may no longer work, as we try new things we may want or need support. What support do you need or want from your community in manifesting peace and love? How might you support those around you – at home, work or in your faith community? How do we support those taking a variety of actions?
Now is the time to be faithful, loving people manifesting the peace testimony. Our neighbors need us, our future needs us.
How are you being asked to show up today? Will the way we show up today impact our presence in the world in the future?
What gifts will you bring?