Help keep Friends visible to spiritual seekers.

For thousands of Quakers, for hundreds of years, our shared reality and our lived experience continues to affirm one core truth — that the seed of God lives in everyone. We are guided by a love of community that helps us peel back the layers of our individual views and seek ongoing revelation. We are clear that Spirit can call on anyone to minister or witness – whatever our age, race, sexual orientation or gender.

This is a tumultuous time in North America. Loud voices in the public sphere are calling for regressive policies that would increase their power by denying it to others. Some of these demands are grounded in claims of religious authority—especially around gender. More and more, many people of faith are feeling like they have two untenable choices — attend religious services that push against their values or stay home. 

How visible are we as Quakers? Are the doors of our meetings open to spiritual seekers — to those seeking a religious home that affirms their values and welcomes their gifts?

Give to FGC today — help spiritual seekers find community among Friends.

Gender equality is not a secular idea for Quakers. It doesn’t override a long-standing bias in our religious beliefs. Equality is our religious belief. It’s a conviction we have been trying to live up to — in flawed but expanding ways — for centuries. We are called to wrestle with it in our hearts and meetings and we witness for it in the broader world.

Our testimony of equality is needed as much now as it was in 1848 when Lucretia Mott — at the Women’s Rights Convention in New York — helped approve the Declaration of Sentiments, paving the way for universal suffrage in the United States.

Is our activism grounded in our testimonies and worship? When we witness for equality, is it part of a secular conversation or is it as Quakers?

FGC was formed nearly 125 years ago. Our mission is to nurture the spiritual vitality of the Religious Society of Friends. That vitality is crucial now—just as it was when Friends began our witness for equality in a deeply unequal England. So long as authoritarians are clothing their power in religious language, we must grow our voices and our visibility as a religious community — one that welcomes the spiritual gifts of all people. Our spiritual practices must evolve. Our meetings must thrive. Our communities must understand clearly that Spirit calls on us as Quakers — not to uphold traditions, but to uphold Truth.

Each year, over 100,000 unique visitors come to the FGC website to learn about Quaker beliefs and find physical or virtual places of worship through the Quaker Finder site. We need your help to maintain and grow our shared spiritual voice and visibility in the world.

Annual contributions to FGC have increased modestly over the past few years, but they have not not kept pace with inflation. To maintain services for Friends and to share our religious testimonies with the world, we need your help. If you are able, would you consider donating, or increasing your donation, to help us close the gap between what Friends have asked us to do, and what we have the funding to do?

Our fiscal year ends September 30. Between now and then, a generous Friend is offering to match your gift, dollar-for-dollar, up to $20,000.

With Gratitude,

Barry Crossno
General Secretary,
Friends General Conference

Barry Crossno
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