FGC’s Institutional Assessment on Systemic Racism: Next Steps

What’s next for FGC’s Institutional Assessment on Systemic Racism, a spiritual challenge to understand, confront and heal white supremacy within FGC, among FGC Friends and all who unite with this work?

What’s next for FGC’s Institutional Assessment on Systemic Racism, a spiritual challenge to understand, confront and heal white supremacy within FGC, among FGC Friends and all who unite with this work?

The Institutional Assessment Working Group has created a charge for the Implementation Group mentioned in the recommendations presented at the fall Central Committee. Simultaneously, we are in the process of identifying Friends to serve on the Implementation Group. We’re working towards bringing names forward of Friends to serve on the Implementation Group with a budget to assist them with their work. The candidates for the Implementation Group and the budget will be brought before Executive Committee in January for their approval.

After having gone through the process of the assessment, the Institutional Assessment Task Force has a better understanding of the emotional and spiritual work that needs to be done. The Task Force is currently documenting its work so that, when FGC repeats the process in three to five years, there will be a frame work to guide them.

We will have more to share about our work in next month’s update in the Vital Friends newsletter.

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