Among Friends: March 2017
News and resources from the world of Friends for the March 2017 edition of the Vital Friends eNewsletter of FGC.
A Timely Cinematic Resource for Friends
Lisa Smithline, whose mother & father-in-law were members of Framingham meeting, has released a new film of interest to Friends. Disturbing the Peace is a film about the human potential unleashed when we stop participating in a story that no longer serves us and, with the power of our convictions, take action to create new possibilities. While based in the Middle East, Disturbing the Peace evokes universal themes of peace and nonviolence relevant to us all and inspires us to become active participants in the creation of our world. The team behind Disturbing the Peace is passionate about nonviolent solutions and working together to promote mutually shared goals. The film is an excellent resource to inspire and engage communities and meetings.
New York Yearly Meetings Quakers Reject the Politics of Division
In February, New York Yearly Meeting shared a press release addressing the current climate of division that has descended upon the United States. We encourage Friends to read it and share it with their meetings.
Read the PDF of the press release.
New England Yearly Meeting To Offer Second Living Faith Gathering in April
From New England Yearly Meeting of Friends:
The April 8th Living Faith Gathering will focus on how Friends are living—and can more fully live—our faith in the world, helping us to make more real the Beloved Community into which all people are invited.
Through worship, workshops, small groups, and more, we will increase our capacity for fostering relationships of healing and justice.
The daylong gathering will include:
- Multigenerational community-building and get-to-know-you activities
- Programmed and unprogrammed worship
- Singing led by gifted musicians
- Experiential workshops on spirituality & activism
- Youth programming and child care
- Fellowship and great food
Save the Date: 4th Annual Gathering of the Quaker Religious Education Collaborative
Mark your calendars for August 18th through 20th for the 4th Annual Gathering of the Quaker Religious Education Collaborative (QREC), happening at Quaker Hill in Richmond, IN.
Visit the QREC website to learn more and download a flyer to share with your meeting.