Vital Friends May 2016

Vital Friends is FGC’s monthly eNewsletter that shares news, resources, and announcements with Friends. Below is the introductory text and table of contents.

View the complete eNewsletter online or as a PDF.

Dear Friend,

As you make plans for the summer such as post-graduation trips, picnics, and registering for the 2016 FGC Gathering, we invite you to turn your sunny thoughts to new opportunities for collaboration and connection among Friends. In this newsletter we’re sharing Quaker news from New York Yearly Meeting, an individual reflection on the White Priviliege Conference, and an opening for a new Online Communications Fellow at Friends General Conference. As you get ready to attend annual sessions at your Yearly Meeting we hope you’ll take a moment to read about the connection and collaboration support by Friends General Conference’s Yearly Meeting Visitors Program. Another way to connect broadly among Friends is the Quaker Cloud, we share Gunpowder Friends Meeting’s tips in this newsletter. And be sure to check out more ways to learn and grow in Religious Education through an upcoming QREC gathering, and a book recommendation list for friends of all ages.

In the Spirit,
FGC Staff

This issue contains:

  • FGC Friends: New York Yearly Meeting
  • White Privilege Conference
  • Seeking Online Communications Fellow
  • Program Spotlight: Yearly Meeting Visitors Program
  • Resource: Using the Web to Bring Seekers to Your Meeting
  • Children’s and Young Adult Recommendations Book List
  • “Instilling Quaker Identity through Religious Education”
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