Quaker Cloud for the Holidays
Discover ways the Quaker Cloud can help bring your meeting closer together this winter.
Winter weather poses problems for all of us. As some of us around the country face snow days or winter storms, the Quaker Cloud can help keep your meeting connected. Hosting searchable minutes from Business Meetings lets friends who were unable to attend stay deeply connected to the corporate process of their meeting. Using the Quaker Cloud can help bring your Meeting together, a central place to share information about holiday parties and community events so that no one gets left out. The Quaker Cloud provides new possibilities of inclusiveness, sharing pictures and community conversations, even when some members of Meeting may be traveling elsewhere for the holidays. This winter, use the Quaker Cloud to invite everyone in to the welcoming spirit of friendship we hold dear as Quakers.
The Quaker Cloud provides an important service supporting Quaker community, helping Quakers maintain and optimize their online presence so that Seekers can find meetings, and Friends can stay connected.
To sign up for the Quaker Cloud click here.
To learn more about the Quaker Cloud click here.