Traveling Ministries: A New Program for FGC!
Deborah Fisch
When I read the job announcement for coordinator of the new Friends General Conference Traveling Ministries Program last winter, I felt a wave of excitement flow through my heart. I had a leading that I should apply for the position and be prepared to support and become involved with the project in whatever way opened for me to do so. I feel blessed and very humble to have been selected to serve as staff coordinator.
By purposefully revitalizing the Friends tradition of traveling ministry, the Traveling Ministries Program hopes to answer a growing desire among meetings for a deeper sense of connection with other Friends beyond their own meeting or yearly meeting, and to help provide a spiritual resource for them.
FGC has identified three types of “traveling ministry” being used by Friends at this time: visitors to yearly meeting sessions; resource people who can travel to lead a discussion, retreat, or training at another meeting; and the traditional traveling ministers. All require different gifts, discernment, and support.
It is our hope to help weave a web of spiritual connectedness between the meetings and worship groups affiliated with FGC by working with local meetings to identify, encourage, and support those who have been given gifts and feel called to the ministry. If we want to continue to grow as a religious society, and to have a quiet impact on the world around us, we must be faithful to the call of the Divine and find ways to share with each other.
In the next months I will have several opportunities to travel among Friends. I hope many will assist in this powerful undertaking by identifying Friends who have gifts and might be open to serving as resource people. I would also like to hear from Friends who have ideas as to how the Traveling Ministries Program might assist your meeting or worship group.
Until our paths cross, I wish you God’s peace.