Letter from FGC’s Christian and Interfaith Relations Committee regarding Election Day 2020 in the U.S.

The Christian and Interfaith Relations Committee of Friends General Conference views with alarm recent developments that threaten the normal performance of the November election.

Vital Friends: Reflections on Religious Education and Parenting as a Quaker during COVID-19

Quaker religious education teachers Mim Lilly Coleman and Melinda Wenner Bradley share their reflections on how the coronavirus pandemic changed their work.

Antiracism In Popular Films: A Discussion Group

This series will allow those of us who identify as white to educate ourselves about racism by discussing films that come from People of Color’s lived experience. 

How our Meeting Houses affect our efforts to become actively anti-racist faith communities

How can Quaker meeting houses and worship spaces can become more welcoming and inclusive of everyone who comes into them.

Strategies to Foster Interfaith Community

Finding common ground in our spiritual journeys through interfaith relationship-building is a powerful way to connect in the age of social distancing.

Things I’ve Learned as a Person Who Practices Two Religions

This article was written for the August 2020 Interfaith Issue of the Vital Friends eNewsletter.

Sharing Faith and Practice in Swahili: Buffalo Monthly Meeting’s Story

Sue Tannehill shares a story about a family from the Democratic Republic of the Congo who worked with her Quaker community to create an English-to-Swahili translation of New York Yearly Meeting’s Faith and Practice.

A Gathering Like No Other: A Reflection by Lori Piñeiro Sinitzky

FGC’s Conference Coordinator Lori Piñeiro Sinitzky describes what it was like to transform the FGC Gathering from an in-person event to a virtual experience.

Watch Valarie Kaur’s Virtual Gathering Presentation for a limited time!

FGC is pleased to announce that for a limited time, Friends can watch Valarie Kaur’s inspiring presentation from the 2020 FGC Virtual Gathering!

FGC Virtual Gathering 2020: Share Your Selfies!

The 2020 FGC Virtual Gathering begins today, and we’re inviting participants to update their profile pictures and share their selfies with us!

Vital Friends: Responding to Systemic Racism with Systemic Love

Many Friends, wishing to see that of God affirmed in all people, have already committed themselves to dismantling systemic racism within the Religious Society of Friends and beyond.


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