Vital Friends: A Letter from the Co-Clerk of the Institutional Assessment Working Group

I am pleased to write with a sense of joy and grace to Friends everywhere that the Implementation Group has been fully formed and is ready to take this work forward.

Vital Friends: November 2019 Report from the Institutional Assessment Implementation Group

The Institutional Assessment Implementation Group recently gathered at Pendle Hill for our first annual face-to-face meeting.

Vital Friends: Getting Your Work Noticed

J. Brent Bill is a Quaker who’s been publishing articles and books since 1983. In that time, he’s learned a thing or three about getting his work published.

Vital Friends: My Experience with the Welcoming Friend Project

After Joe Rockey of Lake Forest Friends Meeting felt a leading to serve as a greeter at Meeting for Worship, he decided to participate in the Welcoming Friend Project.

Vital Friends: Schedule for FGC’s Monthly eNewsletter Announced for Fiscal Year 2020

FGC is publishing the themes and release dates of its Vital Friends eNewsletter on our website for Fiscal Year 2020.

Vital Friends: Religious Education Programming for Children

Discover tools for nurturing the spiritual foundation of children’s lives and resources to guide their journey as they grow.

Vital Friends: What is White Supremacy?

White supremacy doesn’t only refer to a group of people obsessed with promoting a hateful worldview – it identifies a way of thinking having an impact on society at the systemic and cultural level.

Vital Friends: Yearly Meeting 2019 Highlights

We encourage Friends to read the highlights and epistles of FGC’s affiliated Yearly Meetings.

Vital Friends: May 2019

This month, we want to help you and Friends across the United States and Canada explore various ways to “answer that of God in everyone.”


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