Vital Friends: May 2019
Vital Friends is FGC’s monthly eNewsletter that shares news, resources, and announcements with Friends. Below is the introductory text and table of contents.
View the complete eNewsletter online.
Dear Friend,
This month, we want to help you and Friends across the United States and Canada explore various ways to “answer that of God in everyone.” Fostering relationships built on mutual respect and understanding can seem difficult, especially when we encounter individuals whose life experience is unfamiliar to us or whom hold beliefs that are in conflict with our own. As Friends, we are called to build our capacity to love and be loved—to see the Divine seed within us and one another. One way this is manifesting among us is through our shared work of becoming an actively anti-racist organization and association of Quaker communities. The journey ahead will involve uncomfortable truths and tough conversations that will ultimately be a gateway for our collective spiritual liberation. As an FGC Friend in the Committee for Nurturing Ministries once shared, “In order to know God, we have to know all the faces of God.”
Join us for an exploration of the many faces of the Religious Society of Friends, as well as opportunities to nurture your spiritual life in the coming weeks.
In the Light,
Communications Staff at FGC
In this issue:
- Affirming that of God in One Another: Strategies and Resources
- Invite a friend to the 2019 FGC Gathering!
- Anti-Racism Ministry: May 2019 Update
- FGC Gathering Marketing Research Study Results
- Opportunities for Spiritual Deepening
- Available Now: Annual Report 2018