Help improve the FGC Gathering through a survey!
FGC needs your feedback! Help us improve the annual FGC Gathering by sharing your input through a 15-minute survey online. Even if you have never attended a Gathering, we would like your input about it.
UPDATE March 2019: This survey is now closed. We are very thankful to everyone who participated!
Friends General Conference needs your feedback! Help us improve the annual FGC Gathering by sharing your input through a 15-minute survey online. Even if you have never attended a Gathering, we would like your input about it.
FGC wants to hear from as many voices as possible, especially those who may not have engaged with our programming in the past. Your voices are important in shaping programs that might be of interest to you and Friends like you in years to come.
We’re collecting survey responses for our study from now until March 3rd.