FGC’s Institutional Assessment on Systemic Racism: March 2019 Update
Last month, FGC’s Vital Friends eNewsletter reported the winter Executive Committee approval of Friends to serve on the Implementation Group. Once the final two remaining positions are filled, assuring a diversity of race, age, gender and geographic representation of Friends across North America, all the names will be shared widely. Executive Committee also approved a budget for the implementation of the assessment.
We also wish to share that:
- Friends who participated in the assessment are preparing for an evening plenary event, afternoon presentations, and discussions about the Institutional Assessment at the 2019 FGC Gathering in Grinnell, Iowa.
- As the Task Force lays down the work of the Institutional Assessment on Systemic Racism, members are gathering their reflections and considering advices for the next group of Friends who will take on the work of a future assessment.
- We are receiving incidental reports of Monthly Meetings who are reading and discussing the Institutional Assessment report and recommendations. We invite you to let us know if this is happening in your Meeting. Send us an email.