Lee Meinicke Joins FGC Staff
After an extensive search process and interviews with many talented candidates, Friends General Conference is very pleased to welcome Lee Meinicke into the role of Fiscal and Property Manager. From her 20 years’ experience in the non-profit sector, Lee brings staff and board skills gained in environmental conservation, social justice and religious organizations. Her expertise includes financial management and compliance, organizational management and development, operations systems and improvements, and program evaluation. After getting her MBA in Sustainable Business from Bainbridge Graduate Institute, near Seattle, Lee founded and ran the Mid-Atlantic region’s only woman-owned organics recycling business, Philly Compost. Lee currently serves as a Board Member of Green in Chestnut Hill, Emeritus Board member of the Sustainable Business Network of Greater Philadelphia, and is an active member of the Unitarian Society of Germantown.
Lee will be responsible for the financial management of Friends General Conference as Fiscal and Property Manager, including full charge bookkeeping, monitoring all income and expenses, paying bills, securely handling all income, and coordinating annual budget preparation. Lee will be the staff person administrating the Friends Meeting House Fund. Under the properties portion of her job she will be responsible for managing maintenance, utilities, furnishings, equipment, and security of the FGC office in Philadelphia.
Lee will start May 18th in order to overlap with the current Fiscal and Properties Manager Ken Miller, who is retiring in July after going on 44 years at FGC. Ken first came to FGC two weeks after his graduation from Earlham College in 1973. He first served for 18 years as Conference Coordinator for the FGC Gathering from 1973-1991. He has been instrumental in supporting FGC through its development and changes over the years, such as the move from Friends Center in 1989. Ken has served beyond his capacity as property manager through his work as treasurer for the Young Smyth Field Condo Association, where FGC owns half a floor within which the FGC Philadelphia offices are located. Ken defined his time at FGC with consistency and good humor and we are extremely grateful for his dedication and skill. There will be a party to celebrate Ken’s service to FGC and Friends at the Gathering this summer in St. Joseph, Minnesota, July 3rd-9th.