Epistle from 2014 Central Committee
We send you greetings from the Friends General Conference Central Committee, meeting Tenth Month 16-19, 2014 at Pearlstone Retreat Center in Reisterstown, Maryland. We have felt blessed in our work and worship together, as we sought to be faithful to where the Spirit is leading us.
To Friends Everywhere,
We send you greetings from the Friends General Conference Central Committee, meeting Tenth Month 16-19, 2014 at Pearlstone Retreat Center in Reisterstown, Maryland. We have felt blessed in our work and worship together, as we sought to be faithful to where the Spirit is leading us. During this weekend we wrestled with our call to challenge structural racism, we affirmed the value of long-standing FGC ministries, and we opened our minds and hearts to new possibilities. Our plenary sessions and committee meetings were seasoned with periods of deeply settled worship, where we could experience what it means to be a people knitted together in God.
To read the full 2014 Epistle, download the PDF below.