Finding Quaker Community

Photos: Mike Goren

“When I attended my first FGC Gathering in high school, I felt like I had found my Quaker community,” shares Colby Abazs.

Colby was raised Quaker and attended different meetings throughout high school and college. But, “it was hard to invest deeply as one of only a few young Friends there.” Then he attended the Gathering, and met a community of peers. He shared: “they welcomed, challenged, and helped me to grow in my Quaker faith.”

The friends I have made at Gathering are who I reach out to share joys and for support and healing.

In looking ahead, Colby said “I feel excited for the future of FGC, and eager to be part of our transformation.”

The Gathering in today’s changed and changing world.

Friends are looking at new ways to create opportunities to connect with Spirit, each other, and our families through Gathering Anew. Read more about this initiative that is helping re-imagine the Gathering.

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