FGC Program Updates – March 2015
This month, FGC has a number of exciting program updates.
Explore Quaker Practice through a new Program Pilot
The Spiritual Deepening program of FGC is in the process of testdriving an Exploring Together pilot that will offer opportunities for meetings and newcomers to explore Quaker practice more deeply. Exploring Together will be piloted as two programs simultaneously: one program designed for Quaker meetings and an online learning program for newcomers. The pilot programs will commence in late April/early May of this year. The site of the pilot programs is still being discerned, with a small handful of locations across the U.S. and Canada being identified to ensure a variety of representation. We are excited to invite Friends to contribute their experience and knowledge to the development of the program.
Find FGC at a Yearly Meeting Near You
The season for visiting Yearly Meetings is upon us! During the next few months, FGC staff members and volunteers will travel to many Yearly Meetings to meet Friends and experience the energy of your annual sessions in person. The staff and volunteers of FGC value this time of visitation tremendously, as it presents an opportunity for us to connect with Quaker Yearly Meetings, reinforce our knowledge of these meetings, and find out what our meetings need most from us as an organization. We ask that Friends hold FGC staffers and volunteers that are traveling to Yearly Meetings in the light during this time.
Discover a New Way to Grow your Meeting
In the coming months, Friends will have the chance to learn new ways of attracting visitors to their meethings through a series of new regional workshops. The pilot Grow Our Meetings workshop was held on March 14th in Richmond, Indiana with great success. Twenty-nine participants from twelve monthly meetings in the Midwest came together to focus on inreach, outreach, and welcoming newcomers to the Quaker way. This new, one-day resource was designed by QuakerQuest consultant Rachel Ernst Stahlhut and New Meetings Project Coordinator Brent Bill to provide meetings with activities and offerings to engage newcomers. Two more workshops are being planned in the fall for monthly meetings on the east coast. Click here to learn more about the Grow Our Meetings workshop series.
Two More Reasons to Get Excited for The FGC Gathering (Hint: Registration is Coming Soon!)
We know how excited and eager Friends are to register for the FGC Gathering this year, and the wait is almost over! Registration begins on Wednesday, April 1st. Starting that day, Friends can register to attend this year’s FGC Gathering by clicking the “Register” button on this page of the FGC website. [Please note: the “Register” button won’t appear until April 1!] This year’s theme is Seeking Wholeness. To learn more about the 2015 FGC Gathering and explore this year’s workshops and evening programs, click here.
We’ve saved the best news for last: FGC is pleased to welcome Ruth Reber as the new Conference Coordinator for the FGC Gathering. Ruth brings with her a wealth of knowledge and in-depth experience with the Gathering, having attended it since she was three years old!
This article was written for Vital Friends, FGC’s monthly eNewsletter.