FGC Welcomes Brent Bill as Coordinator of New Meetings Project

FGC is pleased to announce the appointment of J. Brent Bill as coordinator of the New Meetings Project* scheduled to begin this fall. Brent is a well-known seasoned Friend who is an author, photographer, congregational consultant, retreat leader, and recorded Friends minister. He is author of more than 20 books, including Holy Silence: The Gift of Quaker Spirituality and Sacred Compass: The Way of Spiritual Discernment.
Brent will be coordinating FGC’s new project of intentionally nurturing new Quaker worship groups and meetings where there is a need or opportunity, and helping them to get rooted and grounded in the practices of Friends. Read more about the FGC New Meetings Project >
After his appointment, Brent wrote, “I am grateful to FGC for inviting me to this important work. The New Meetings Project is something I deeply care about and am excited about helping facilitate.” Brent and his wife Nancy live on Ploughshares Farm outside of Indianapolis. Brent will be traveling and coordinating the project from his home.
The project and the methods and tools it employs will evolve over time as we learn what works for differing groups in various settings.
The New Meetings Project and the continuation of Quaker Quest are both being made possible by a generous $400,000 grant from the Thomas H. and Mary Williams Shoemaker Fund.
Check out the new project at www.fgcquaker.org/services/new-meetings-project in the next several weeks to see how the project is progressing or e-mail newmeetings@fgcquaker.org (no longer active as of 2015) to see how you can become involved.
*The New Meetings Project was active from 2012 to 2015, and helped nurture 20 new worship groups. Please note that the New Meetings Project is no longer offering direct mentoring and one-on-one support to new meetings.