FGC, the Adult Young Friends (AYF) program, and Friends for Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender, and Queer Concerns (FLGBTQC) are working to support the identity and experience of individuals throughout the gender spectrum. We affirm that gender identity is determined by the individual, and are working to create space for identities outside the gender binary.
For in-person events, all Gathering attenders are welcome to register for housing, workshops, and other events in accordance with their gender identity. Gender-neutral housing and bathrooms will be available in the AYF and FLGBTQC dorms for those who prefer that option.
Information for the 2023 Gathering:
At Western Oregon University, the dorm bathrooms are in a variety of styles – some are shared on the hall, some are suite-style in between adjoining dorm rooms, and some are private.
As at previous FGC Gatherings, there will be bathrooms with gender-neutral, male, and female designations. Western Oregon University has gender inclusive bathrooms in most of the main buildings on campus and Gathering staff will be reviewing and compiling a list of bathrooms in other campus buildings that we designate as gender neutral during the week of Gathering.
Friends with questions or concerns can contact the Gender Diversity Liaison at fgcgenderdiversityliaison@gmail.com.