Learn about the option for Meetings to stream the plenary programs at the 2025 Online Gathering
Friends General Conference warmly invites meetings and worship groups to register for a special plenaries-only option at the upcoming Online Gathering, A Spring Whose Waters Never Fail. This option offers an affordable opportunity for meetings and their members to share in the Gathering experience, connecting and reflecting among our wider Quaker community.
Dates and Speakers
- Saturday, February 1: Daquanna Harrison
at 9pm Atlantic / 8pm Eastern / 7pm Central / 6pm Mountain / 5pm Pacific / 4pm Alaskan / 3pm Hawaiian - Sunday*, February 2: Lynn Finnegan, Carl Magruder and Briana Halliwell
at 12pm Atlantic / 11am Eastern / 10am Central / 9am Mountain / 8am Pacific / 7am Alaskan / 6am Hawaiian - Saturday, February 8: Eileen Flanagan
at 9pm Atlantic / 8pm Eastern / 7pm Central / 6pm Mountain / 5pm Pacific / 4pm Alaskan / 3pm Hawaiian - Sunday*, February 9: David Bucura
at 12pm Atlantic / 11am Eastern / 10am Central / 9am Mountain / 8am Pacific / 7am Alaskan / 6am Hawaiian

Daquanna Harrison

Lynn Finnegan

Carl Magruder

Briana Halliwell

Eileen Flanagan

David Bucura
*In order to accommodate different worship schedules, we will also provide a way for meetings to stream the Sunday plenaries later in the day.
How to Participate
Meetings are invited to register for live streaming access to the plenaries. You will receive one login code and queries will be shared in advance to your designated email contact. For each plenary, you can choose if you want to gather and stream at your meetinghouse or at a member’s home. Each time you gather to watch and discuss a plenary creates additional opportunities for sharing – for example, you can plan a potluck and invite members who are attending workshops to share their experience before or after the session. We encourage you to share this opportunity with all your members and attenders, and to invite people in your community who may be interested in the plenary topics. Use the queries we provide or come up with your own to enrich your meeting’s conversation and fellowship. This is a wonderful opportunity to engage in the broader life of our faith tradition and share in spiritual nourishment together.
Meeting package
Meetings and worship groups may register to watch the plenaries at the Online Gathering.
Cost to meetings will be determined by size (meaning the average number of Friends attending worship):
- Small Meeting (10 or fewer attenders on average): $50
- Medium Meeting (11-25 attenders on average): $100
- Large Meeting (more than 25 attenders on average): $200
Whatever fee is right for your meeting, we encourage you to invite everyone on your mailing list to watch them together as a community.
Financial Assistance
We understand that some individuals face financial barriers to attending Gathering. While we have limited financial aid available, our hope is that meetings can support their attenders by offering scholarships to individuals as needed, and by registering for this meeting package so that all meeting attenders can have the opportunity to gather, experience and discuss the plenaries as Quaker community.
What do my registration fees pay for at an Online Gathering?
While on-site rentals and room and board costs are eliminated in an Online Gathering, administrative costs remain. The Gathering staff works year-round to support the Gathering Committee’s plans and make them come to fruition. FGC maintains office space, equipment, utilities, and the internet access, platforms and software that an Online Gathering is built on. Producing the program and hiring experts to manage the technical aspects of livestreaming the plenary programs are two examples of expenditures necessary for a quality experience. Your registration fees pay for the infrastructure that makes the Gathering happen.
Cancellation Fees
Read our full cancellation policy
- Cancellation must be in writing (email preferred) or completed online by the registrant
- Cancel by January 24: incur a charge of $25.
- Cancel after January 24: no refunds – full balance is due. (Some exceptions may be made for extraordinary circumstances.)