New Quaker Checklist #43

FGC recommends the following tip for newcomers to the Quaker faith: Participate in Spring Lobby Weekend with Friends Committee on National Legislation.

New Quaker Checklist #42

FGC recommends the following tip for newcomers to the Quaker faith: Attend a retreat for Friends of Color.

New Quaker Checklist #41

FGC recommends the following tip for newcomers to the Quaker faith: Read Quaker children’s books–they are not just for kids.

New Quaker Checklist #40

FGC recommends the following tip for newcomers to the Quaker faith: Attend an FGC Spiritual Deepening eRetreat.

New Quaker Checklist #39

FGC recommends the following tip for newcomers to the Quaker faith: Take action through the American Friends Service Committee.

New Quaker Checklist #38

FGC recommends the following tip for newcomers to the Quaker faith: Ask and find other communities that can support you! 

New Quaker Checklist #37

FGC recommends the following tip for newcomers to the Quaker faith: Read and use Worship In Song: A Friends Hymnal.

New Quaker Checklist #36

FGC recommends the following tip for newcomers to the Quaker faith: Learn about Quaker colleges.

Help keep Friends visible to spiritual seekers.

For thousands of Quakers, for hundreds of years, our shared reality and our lived experience continues to affirm one core truth — that the seed of God lives in everyone. We are guided by a love of community that helps us peel back the layers of our individual views and seek ongoing revelation. We are…

Next Steps in Public Ministry

I want to frame this with my concern for building the trustworthy church. And, to me a trustworthy church, in Quaker terms, is a church where the leadership, the visible leadership, knows or is reminded by the rebels that our single most important query that faces any business meeting is “what does God want to…

New Quaker Checklist #35

FGC recommends the following tip for newcomers to the Quaker faith: Explore Quaker environmental groups.

New Quaker Checklist #34

FGC recommends the following tip for newcomers to the Quaker faith: Attend an event at Pendle Hill or Ben Lomond Quaker Center.


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