COVID Preparedness and the 2022 Gathering

A special COVID working group has been approved to create a COVID Health and Safety policy for all FGC in-person events, including the Gathering.

A Message from the 2022 Gathering Clerks

Please enjoy this video introducing our Gathering clerks for this year.

Reflections from the 2021 Virtual Gathering

Way Will Open is not a passive thing that happens to us. We must seek it, listen for it, be in relationship with the Divine and with one another, and act faithfully.

A Letter from the Conference Coordinator and Volunteers – June 2021

Living into FGC’s commitment to become an anti-racist faith community, the Gathering’s Workshop Committee co-clerks and Conference Coordinator want to share a stumble we made along the way.

FGC’s Youth Committees are gearing up for the 2021 Gathering

Our High School and Junior Gathering Committees spent much of the summer reflecting on 2020 Virtual Gathering and taking note of areas to grow this year.

The 2021 FGC Gathering will be virtual!

The 2021 FGC Gathering “Way Will Open” will be held online, June 27 – July 3, and not in person.

A Gathering Like No Other: A Reflection by Lori Piñeiro Sinitzky

FGC’s Conference Coordinator Lori Piñeiro Sinitzky describes what it was like to transform the FGC Gathering from an in-person event to a virtual experience.

Watch Valarie Kaur’s Virtual Gathering Presentation for a limited time!

FGC is pleased to announce that for a limited time, Friends can watch Valarie Kaur’s inspiring presentation from the 2020 FGC Virtual Gathering!

FGC Virtual Gathering 2020: Share Your Selfies!

The 2020 FGC Virtual Gathering begins today, and we’re inviting participants to update their profile pictures and share their selfies with us!

Virtual Gathering will be Pay as Led

For the 2020 Virtual Gathering, fees will be Pay as Led.

Gathering Profiles: Junior Gathering Friend in Residence

Read this testimony to learn about Becky Marty’s role as Junior Gathering Friend in Residence!


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