Affirmation of the Friends General Conference Vision

On January 22, Barry Crossno, General Secretary of Friends General Conference, a Quaker service organization, issued the following statement:
Since the inauguration, there have been a slew of Presidential Executive Orders that seek to roll back various programs and protections for some members of our spiritual community, for those we love, and people across the United States. This is deeply painful and runs counter to the Truth of human dignity as understood by the discernment and shared witness of our spiritual communities within Friends General Conference.
As the General Secretary of Friends General Conference, I wish to state clearly that FGC’s vision as a religious community remains unchanged.
There is that of God in every human being. As an institution that serves our religious community we seek dignity, equality, and equity for everyone of all races, genders, sexual orientation, and more. Regardless of the positions of any administration, we will continue to listen for the direction of Spirit so that we can continue the struggle towards human dignity and justice for everyone.
All Friends General Conference policies related to gender protections and recognition are approved by and therefore have the full force and unity of our board, known to us as Central Committee. Our prioritization of anti-racism programming, based in our testimony of equality, is the long-standing position of Central Committee and remains so. While we cannot control what is unfolding in the larger world, we can remain faithful to how we are called as a faith community and to one another to the best of our ability.