New Quaker Checklist #46

FGC recommends the following tip for newcomers to the Quaker faith: Explore Invitational Spirituality and Everyday Spirituality, Every Day.

The Spiritual Deepening Program at FGC regularly provides workshops and retreats as standalone events, at FGC events, Quaker conferences, yearly meetings, and more. Two of those activities are Invitational Spirituality and Everyday Spirituality, Every Day.

Invitational Spirituality asks us how is Spirit inviting us to go deeper in our worship, our relationships, and our daily lives? How do we invite each other into community? What does a practice of invitational worship look like? This retreat explores Quaker community-building and spiritual deepening through the theme of invitational spirituality.

Meanwhile, Everyday Spirituality helps Friends discover strategies and tools for co-creating worshipful community, playful community, and virtual community.

Visit the New Quaker Hub for more tips and resources like this!
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