New Quaker Checklist #40

FGC recommends the following tip for newcomers to the Quaker faith: Attend an FGC Spiritual Deepening eRetreat.

FGC’s Spiritual Deepening Program eRetreats and Online Offerings invite newcomers and Friends to build an online spiritual community through an exploration of Quaker thought and practice. Participants in a Spiritual Deepening eRetreat build spiritual community and explore Quaker practices and faith over a 4-week online session led by a seasoned facilitator. 

eRetreats are offered on topics such as Silence & Light for Quaker Newcomers, Living into Wholeness, Becoming Patterns & Examples, and Understanding and Healing White Supremacy.

The Spiritual Deepening Program also sponsors several ongoing events that meet monthly, including the Generation X Quaker Discussion Group and the Neurodivergent Friends Gathering Group.

Visit the New Quaker Hub for more tips and resources like this!
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