Couple Enrichment Updates

Here are some Couple Enrichment updates provided by Friends Couple Enrichment, a ministry to deepen and enhance relationships. Friends Couple Enrichment (FCE) began in 1968 as a program of Friends General Conference. FCE became an independent 501(c)3 non-profit organization in 2016.
Leader Couple Training Information Session
Leader Couples carry out the Friends Couple Enrichment’s ministry to other couples who wish to deepen intimacy in their relationships. Leader Couples are called to share with others the peace and joy that lies at the heart of a committed relationship. Training hones this call, and events such as workshops exercise this call. There is support from, and accountability to, the FCE Leader Couple community.
For those who wish to test a call to leadership, FCE offers a self-paced training program. This training is aimed at couples who are committed to a practice of expanding intimacy in their own relationship and who can imagine sharing this with others by leading events. Events enhance understanding, deepen intimacy, and promote creative use of conflict through the teaching and practice of Couple Dialogue.
Couples can apply and enter training at any time. FCE offers periodic information sessions for interested couples. The next information session will be Sunday, August 21, 2022.
September Taster
If you are unsure about whether a Couple Enrichment event is for you and your partner, consider attending a Free Tasters. These are experiential 90-minute introductions to Friends Couple Enrichment and to the practice of Couple Dialogue. Everyone is welcome, whether part of a couple or not. The next Taster will be on Sunday, September 18, 2022.
Listening with Love to Strengthen and Deepen Our Relationships
An FCE Online Workshop in 6 Sessions
This retreat is intended for couples desiring to grow their own relationship and provide a community of support to other couples. It is preventive medicine, not therapy. Participants will focus on developing and enhancing listening and speaking skills to allow us to be fully present to ourselves, to our partners, and to other couples.
Any couple in a committed relationship is welcome, including same-sex couples. As the retreat is held over Zoom, it is open to any couple in any location with the appropriate technologies, including those with mobility, child-care, health, scheduling, and other challenges.
The workshop will commence October 22, 2022.